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RIA Edge Panel: M&A Is Evolving but 'Here to Stay'

From Wealth Management
Added on June 2023 in M&A Issues
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Summary: While fluctuating capital markets may have caused buyers to become more selective, the talk of slowing RIA M&A activity has been overexaggerated, and valuations remain high for growing firms, said panelists at the RIA Edge conference last week.


Continued RIA M&A Is One Certainty In An Uncertain Market

From FA Magazine
Added on May 2023 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Most investors suffered a stomach-churning rollercoaster ride last year as market uncertainty ruled the day. But what was happening to client portfolios did little to affect the appetites of either buyers or sellers in the RIA space. When it came to merger and acquisition (M&A) activity among RIA firms, 2022 was a year of more of the same. Only more so, as new records were set in terms of volume and multiples.

Strategic Acquirers with 'Strong Pipelines' in Wealth Management M&A: Fidelity

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on May 2023 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The wealth management space is set for more mergers and acquisitions thanks to strong pipelines reported by strategic acquirers, as private equity continues playing a major role, according to a recent report.

RIA Edge Podcast: The Evolution of RIA M&A With Focus Financial's Rajini Kodialam

From Wealth Management
Added on May 2023 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Rajini Kodialam, Focus Financial's co-founder and chief operating officer, discusses the M&A opportunities that exist today for RIAs.

RIA Aggregators Shift from Buyer to Seller

From Wealth Management
Added on April 2023 in M&A Issues
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Subject: The dynamics are shifting in the RIA M&A space, and recent events will likely spur a rise in small aggregators merging or selling to larger enterprises, argues NewEdge Advisors’ Alex Goss.

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