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Fidelity Research Finds That Financial Advisors Who Switch Firms Are More Likely to Be Younger.

Added on April 2016 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions, the division of Fidelity Investments that provides clearing and custody to registered investment advisors (RIAs), retirement recordkeepers, broker-dealer firms, banks and insurance companies, today released the results of its 3rd bi-annual study on advisor movement. The study explored the motivations and experiences of advisors who switched channels, which Fidelity terms “Movers.”

Understanding Generational Differences Can Help Build Your Practice

Added on April 2016 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: It takes a savvy advisor with a working knowledge of generational differences to navigate in today’s environment.  Many advisors risk alienating potential and existing clients with a semantic slip, a word that resonates wrong, advice to someone younger that should have been reserved for someone older. 

The Four Skill Domains For Financial Advisor Mastery

Added on April 2016 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: In the early years of financial planning, the reality was that most advisors only needed one skill to be “successful”: the ability to sell, and get clients. After all, when advisors are solely compensated by commissions, if you can’t keep finding new prospective clients to sell to – and actually sell something to them – your income will quickly go to zero.

Advisor Tech Gurus Differ on the Robo Threat, DOL Fiduciary Rule Effects

Added on April 2016 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: Joel Bruckenstein, the advisor technology expert, kicked off his panel at the Shareholders Service Group national conference with a warning to the 300 or so advisors in the room in San Diego. "What’s perfectly secure today won’t be” in the very near future, Bruckenstein said.

RIA Firms That Hire NextGen Advisors Outperform Their Peers, TD Ameritrade Institutional Study Finds

Added on April 2016 in Thought Leadership
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Summary: Registered investment advisor (RIA) firms frequently hear that hiring a “next generation” advisor is the right thing to do as a graying industry faces a talent shortage, but hiring a millennial can also help firms boost growth and profitability, new TD Ameritrade Institutional research shows.

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