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Wirehouse Headline Woes Are Fueling the Independent Movement

Added on August 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Historically, financial advisors have admired the wirehouse model, in part because of the reputation and credibility those advisors could leverage with new and existing clients. The major wirehouses — Morgan Stanley, UBS Wealth Management, Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo — stood tall as household names, and affiliation with those brands could give advisors a competitive leg up.

Four Books That Will Change Your Professional Life

Added on August 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: This has been an unusually fruitful season for books for and about financial planners. Not only has there been my book (The New Profession, available on my website) and Julie Littlechild’s The Pursuit of Absolute Engagement (which I’ve reviewed in my publication, Inside Information; for an excerpt from the book, go here), but several other absolute masters of the financial planning universe have recently published four books that add to your chances of success as you grow your business and career.

TD Ameritrade Institutional Awards 12 Scholarships

Added on August 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: TD Ameritrade Institutional is continuing its efforts to attract and train the industry’s next generation of independent RIAs.
The firm recently announced its sixth annual NextGen RIA Scholarships of $5,000 each to 12 students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in financial planning, including two awards for students from underrepresented demographic groups.

How the CFP Board Is Advancing the Profession

Added on July 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Professions advance when dedicated professionals lead the way. For more than 30 years, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards has relied on trusted leaders to advance the financial planning profession.

New entry-level securities exam seen to benefit firms, job seekers

Added on June 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: A new entry-level exam for people who aspire to work in the securities industry should become popular because it will appeal to both job seekers and financial firms, according to training experts.

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