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Ladenburg Thalmann Looks to Colleges for Female Talent

Added on October 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. has launched a new mentoring program for female college students looking to enter the financial advisory business. The new program, LIFT University, was introduced at the firm’s annual Ladenburg Institute of Women & Finance Symposium, held this week in Dallas.

20 Best Paying Jobs for College Business Majors: 2018

Added on October 2018 in Join an RIA
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SummaryAs any college graduate knows, choosing a major is only the first step on the career path. Every year, ThinkAdvisor compiles this ranking of jobs for business majors that pay the highest salaries.

102 schools for financial planning

Added on October 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Our annual schools listing, listed in alphabetical order, is drawn from a Financial Planning survey of colleges and universities that offer CFP Board-registered degree programs. Images courtesy of the schools.

Fidelity's David Canter on What's Driving the Momentum to Independence

Added on September 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: [Podcast] David Canter, Executive Vice President and head of the RIA segment at Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions, joins Mindy to explore the mindset and motivations of the increasing number of advisors making the move to independence, as well as the expanding role custodians play in the space. (Hint: It’s no longer solely about safe asset custody.)

Better together? Why not all advisory teams are meant to go independent

Added on September 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: For advisers who yearn for independence, going independent on their own can seem like the perfect solution. Advisers are attracted by the flexibility of the registered investment adviser model and the ability to serve their clients in a conflict-free way. They want to be entrepreneurial, create enterprise value and access best-of-breed technology solutions to deliver an optimal client experience.

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