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Hybrid's New Groove

Added on May 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: A small number of RIAs with national ambition are joining IBDs so they can attract breakaway brokers that need to be hybrid reps.  Beacon Pointe Advisors of Newport Beach, California is using this strategy with success.

The hybrid sector growth was measured in Cerulli Associates’ study The Advisor Metrics 2010. From 2004 to 2009, the headcount at dually registered hybrid firms grew nearly 15%, almost three times that of RIA-only firms.


More Advisors Going Independent: Schwab

Added on March 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: An increasing number of advisor teams are transitioning to the fully independent RIA model from independent bds according to Schwab’s survey released March 28, 2011. The survey of 157 IBD-affiliated advisors found a 45% increase in 2010 compared to 2009. 58% polled say they would prefer to join an existing firm, while 34% say they would prefer to start their own.  

The overlooked option for breakaways: tucking-in

Added on May 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The third and often-overlooked option for breakaway brokers is the tuck-in RIA. While most breakaways consider establishing their own RIAs or joining an independent broker-dealer, a growing number are looking within the already existing RIA community for a firm to join as a tuck-in. 

FiNet's wirehouse-lite model scores with advisors

Added on May 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Wells Fargo vertically integrated  to offer both a wirehouse option and an IBD option, FiNet.  This option attributes to their success in attracting other wirehouse reps to their FINet IBD. FiNet saw a 21% increase in the number of advisors over the past year.  The advisors get a higher payout than a wirehouse (72% to 77%) and are no longer an employee, they are independent and absorb the bricks and mortar business risk.

Advisory firms still reluctant to hire newbies

Added on June 2011 in Join an RIA
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Summary: There are probably more financial planning jobs available than at any other time since before the 2008 market crash, but that doesn't mean that it is any easier for employers and entry-level job hunters to make a deal. Solo practitioners are second-guessing their abilities to spot good candidates and to train them. Large firms, meanwhile, are reluctant to invest in training new recruits for fear that they will be lured away once they develop profitable books of business. 

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