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The Rewards and Risks of Independence: A Conversation With Mark Tibergien

Added on December 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: [Podcast] An episode for all members of the wealth management community, from those at wirehouse firms to independent business owners. ​

Some good news about female recruitment in financial advice

Added on November 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Whether promoted from within or hired from outside the firm, each of four core advisory positions tracked in InvestmentNews' benchmarking study has seen an uptick in women entrants.

The Path to Independence in Two Steps or One—With Alex Goss of Goss Advisors

Added on November 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: [Podcast] Not every wirehouse advisor who moves to independence makes the break in one move: Sometimes, the road involves a series of smaller steps. Such was the case for Alex Goss, president of Goss Advisors, a $6 billion hybrid-RIA based in New Orleans. His path began in the wirehouse world, which he left for the independent broker/dealer space before launching his own firm—now one of the leading platforms for prospective advisors.

Top lessons learned during a breakaway transition

Added on November 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: More than two years ago, our team began to explore whether the registered investment adviser platform was better for us than the independent broker-dealer world we were in. Although business was good, we felt it would be beneficial to learn more about the potential for flexibility and technology that being an RIA could offer.

Class is in session: Planning professors' book recommendations

Added on October 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: School's in session: Financial Planning's annual schools list features 102 CFP Board-registered programs at colleges and universities where prospective planners are learning the skills they need to hone their craft. Now you can, too, from the comforts of your desk, the chaos of your commute or while at home — or really, wherever you prefer to enjoy a good book.

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