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Independent Channels Continue to Steal from Wirehouses

Added on March 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: RIA and dually registered advisory channels will grow their share of the advised assets to 26 percent by 2016, up from 21 percent today, according to a new report by Cerulli Associates. That growth will largely come at the expense of the wirehouse channel, said Cerulli associate director Kenton Shirk. 

What Top Advisors Want: Equity & Career Growth

Added on March 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Looking to attract and retain top advisors this year? Expect senior-level executives to demand equity and career growth, says Kathy Freeman.“When we started the survey five years ago, executives were more focused on the health of the company,” says Freeman, president and CEO of her eponymous executive search firm. “Now it’s all about their own careers.”

A NextGen Wake-Up Call

Added on March 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Advisors who continue to work with clients the same way they always have are not going to be as successful in the future. If advisors want to win more next-generation (NextGen) clients, they need to adopt the technology that is shaping how society demands communications and services.  

A 32-year-old Kansas advisor -- at all upheaval costs -- followed his mentor to Mariner Wealth Advisors

Added on March 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Losing clients and leaving money on the table are risks that more young advisors are willing to take, especially with social media as a viable workaround to the non-solicitation straitjacket. When Justin Richter left a bank last year to join a different one in the same city, he went through the process of gradually moving his clients over and building up a new book of business.

What to Consider When Thinking About Joining an Independent RIA

Added on February 2014 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As the financial services industry continues to evolve with different channels of back-office support, smaller practices have greater opportunities for ownership, the ability to customize the way they serve their clients as well as greater financial rewards.

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