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Will big recruiting bonuses move reps to these firms in 2019?

Added on February 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Seeking either to build on or create momentum with potential recruits, three large brokerage networks — Wells Fargo Advisors, LPL Financial and Cetera Financial Group — are beginning 2019 with substantial offers to lure brokers and financial advisers to change employers and move their businesses to a new address.

The RIA space is hot, and brokers are on the move

Added on January 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: After working for more than 25 years in the securities industry, first as a broker and then as a hybrid adviser, Nathan Bachrach dropped his Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. registration in 2012 and became a fee-only adviser.

10 biggest breakaways of Q4

Added on January 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: There were 147 breakaway broker moves in the fourth quarter of 2018, which marked a 35% spike above the historical breakaway average, according to Echelon Partners. Following are 10 moves that helped tip the scales, listed under the name of the firm the team is joining.

How Will the Next Financial Downturn Shape Your Career?

Added on December 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: The last bear market jolted a lot of financial advisors, and many are still feeling the impact a decade later. The advisor workforce is smaller today than it was in 2007, even as the number of millionaires is going up each year. While that’s partly due to age and technology, some of the erosion can be traced to strategic and tactical mistakes.

Advisor shortage? What advisor shortage?

Added on December 2018 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Puncturing one of the RIA industry’s most widely-accepted axioms, the Dynasty Financial Partners chairman did indeed make that assertion at the recent MarketCounsel Summit in Las Vegas. Contrary to ominous reports of a talent shortage, Thomson said, too many advisors are serving too few clients.

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