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The Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers

Added on June 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary:The Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers program recognizes financial advisory firms that provide employees with the personal satisfaction and tools to grow professionally and to provide clients with the best possible investment and financial planning advice. 

Voices Daunting but doable: How to get students to consider a planning career

Added on June 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Up to now, the planning profession has largely been populated by career changers. But if it is to grow as a profession, that has to change. True professions are made up of people who have graduated from a specific college curriculum.

Michael Kitces' #FASuccess Podcast: How to Climb the Ladder at a Large RIA, with Martine Lellis

Added on May 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: [Podcast] Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the 126th episode of the “Financial Advisor Success” podcast. My guest on today’s podcast is Martine Lellis. Martine is a principal and the chief operating officer at Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney, an independent RIA with nearly $4 billion of assets under management serving 1,100 affluent clients in the Washington, D.C. area.

12 Best US Cities to Start a Career

Added on May 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Employment may be up, but with wages still under pressure and the cost of living continuing its steady upward climb, newly minted graduates would be well advised to stack the deck in their favor when launching their new careers.

Voices So much recruiting — what's driving all these advisor moves?

Added on May 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: There’s a sense that although the business climate is favorable now, but veteran brokers know nothing lasts forever. Going forward, the advisory business could get more difficult. Potential fee compression is one issue. Lower fees mean that advisors need to control more assets to generate the same level of gross production.

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