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Of Myths and Moving, 2019

Added on January 2020 in Join an RIA
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Summary: It was September 2004 when I wrote my first “Of Myths and Moving” article—a piece designed to help address some of the common concerns that advisors shared when considering a move. But the wealth management industry landscape bears little resemblance to that of years past; advisors have more options for how and where to run their businesses than ever before.

Voices As fees fall, do advisors need to take cover?

Added on November 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Equity research analysts had a funny question for Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman on his firm’s third-quarter earnings call. Profits were looking good at the wirehouse, especially in wealth management. Was Morgan Stanley going to cut advisory fees to match the fee slashing of Charles Schwab, Fidelity and others?

Finding the Gap Between Where You Are Now and Where You Want to Be

Added on November 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: As the year winds down in preparation for the coming of 2020, now is the perfect time to take a step back, revisit your goals and develop a plan to achieve them. But “goal planning” processes often get put aside because they seem complicated and time-consuming, or are preempted by day-to-day business requirements.

4 areas advisers should investigate before leaping to another firm

Added on October 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Anyone who's ever switched jobs — or entered into marriage — has thought "this isn't what I expected." Often, advisers join a new firm with high hopes of serving their clients better while also growing their business, only to become disillusioned and disappointed.

The Culture Shock Facing New RIAs

Added on October 2019 in Join an RIA
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Summary: Wirehouses and banking institutions, particularly those that emphasize product sales over a collaborative office culture and positive client experience, create a stressful atmosphere. Advisors leaving that environment must prepare for the culture shift and surprises that awaits in their transition.

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