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Find other financial advisors and firms to reach your succession and growth goals. Get matched and network on our self-serve platform.

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What Is RIA Match?

We match financial advisors and advisory firms. Network on our self-serve platform to navigate to your succession and growth goals.

How RIA Match Works

Build Your Profile

Use our guided questionnaire to build a portrait of your firm and its goals.

Find Your Matches

Sort and filter your Match List to refine your choices.

Initiate a Dialogue

Send messages to communicate directly with your matches.

Learn More

The RIA Match Advantage

Thousands of advisors and firms come to RIA Match to search for free and pay to connect anonymously and securely.


  • Explore Industry Trends
    Read curated and organized industry articles in the Knowledge and Insight Digest.
  • Engage With Industry Leaders
    Watch our in-depth webinars to gain professional insights on valuation, growth and M&A.
  • Read Our Thought Leadership
    Gain a deeper understanding of the solutions for succession planning and growth in our blog.
  • Download White Papers and Worksheets
    Visit the RIA Match Store to access solutions shared by Subject Matter Experts.


  • Create Your Profile
    Use our easy-to-follow wizard to describe you firm and its goals.
  • Select Your Goals
    Cast your search net wide or narrow.
  • Review Your Match List
    Proprietary matching algorithms identify your best matches.
  • Sort and Filter Your Matches
    Refine your choices by distance, goals, custodian, and other criteria.
  • Find Answers in Support
    Get your platform questions answered fast with over 35 quick videos.


  • Review Your Matches
    Identify their philosophy and culture fit.
  • Send Free “Indications of Interest”
    It’s like winking or poking on other social sites.
  • Send Messages to Qualified Matches
    Use our platform to network and start discussions.
  • Maintain Your Anonymity
    Identify yourself to a match in a private message if you choose.
  • Upgrade and Downgrade Monthly
    You have control and flexibility with your plan.

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